WD 2 - 3000 - 036/17 (5. April 2017) © 2017 Deutscher Bundestag Die Wissenschaftlichen Dienste des Deutschen Bundestages unterstützen die Mitglieder des Deutschen Bundestages bei ihrer mandatsbezogenen Tätigkeit. Ihre Arbeiten geben nicht die Auffassung des Deutschen Bundestages, eines seiner Organe oder der Bundestagsverwaltung wieder. Vielmehr liegen sie in der fachlichen Verantwortung der Verfasserinnen und Verfasser sowie der Fachbereichsleitung. Arbeiten der Wissenschaftlichen Dienste geben nur den zum Zeitpunkt der Erstellung des Textes aktuellen Stand wieder und stellen eine individuelle Auftragsarbeit für einen Abgeordneten des Bundestages dar. Die Arbeiten können der Geheimschutzordnung des Bundestages unterliegende, geschützte oder andere nicht zur Veröffentlichung geeignete Informationen enthalten. Eine beabsichtigte Weitergabe oder Veröffentlichung ist vorab dem jeweiligen Fachbereich anzuzeigen und nur mit Angabe der Quelle zulässig. Der Fachbereich berät über die dabei zu berücksichtigenden Fragen. Supervised by the Federal Ministry of Defence (FMoD), two agencies are involved in planning and procuring new defence material for the German Armed Forces: the Bundeswehr Office for Defence Planning during the analysis phase and the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) during the realisation and operational phase. Based on the Integrated Planning Process (IPP) 1, the Bundeswehr Office for Defence Planning (PlgABw) prepares proposals for the prioritisation of Bundeswehr capability development and supports medium-term defence resources planning while considering the priorities set by NATO and the EU. Additionally, the PlgABw identifies capability gaps, prepares the so-called „Capability Gap and Functional Requirement“ documents which define functional requirements without predetermining a specific technological solution, and develops options to close these capability gaps. For this purpose, the Bundeswehr Office for Defence Planning establishes and manages integrated project teams (IPT). Taking into account the available financial resources, the PlgABw finally assesses these options and prepares the selection decisions by the FMoD. 2 Once a decision for a particular approach has been taken by the FMoD, the accountability for the procurement process lies with the BAAINBw. In accordance with the Bundeswehr-specific procurement procedure „Customer Product Management (amended)“ 3, its task is to ensure that the 1 Bundeswehr Office for Defence Planning (Ed.): Integrated Planning Process. Retrievable under http://www. planungsamt.bundeswehr.de/resource/resource/UlRvcjZYSW1RcEVHaUd4cklzQU4yMzFYNnl6UGxhbm1vN Gx0VVVuZlIvZ1AvRGZ0SFdrUUdMVXpOOE0wMW1xUEgycGt5MzBoZTg0WFlBaDc5NVl3T29XTWhH- VEJQNkoxb2ZSVFIzWTVxUG89/Flyer_IPP_engl_072016_Web.pdf. Retrieved April 4, 2017. 2 See Bundeswehr Office for Defence Planning (Ed.): The Four Divisions. Retrievable under http://www.planungsamt .bundeswehr.de/portal/a/plgabw/start/abteilungen/!ut/p/z1/hU7NCsIwGHujpXRo57E7WIVRhA21vcjHHN 2ktkPK8PGteB7mlD9CYHGFDbRMjtIUA_msjd3e6qrpGr7jvDvWjEmleSnEoVSK44zLv4rNMVuBZGiHAJM3xPq GQAsL6x1MLmf2oIXexRxfyQ-poP77FmakcPfDKfbyZ8zPfaX1xn0AVPQ29A!!/dz/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/ #Z7_B8LTL2922TIB00AGN2377H3GG7. Retrieved April 4, 2017. 3 Federal Ministry of Defence / AIN I 1 (Ed.): Customer Product Management (nov.). Retrievable only in German under http://www.baainbw.de/resource/resource/UlRvcjZYSW1RcEVHaUd4cklzQU4yMzFYNnl6UGxhbm1v NGx0VVVuZlIvampHVE51RVRxKzZJWHlmQXZwc2V3Z2V0enNONm04Z00wQ0R6Y08yOCswR2tLTFhQZGx 2RGdDTEI4d1A2UEUrV2c9/CPM_(nov.).pdf. Retrieved April 4, 2017. Wissenschaftliche Dienste Kurzinformation The Responsibilities for Procurement and Maintenance of Defence Material in the Federal Republic of Germany Kurzinformation The Responsibilities for Procurement and Maintenance of Defence Material in the Federal Republic of Germany Fachbereich WD 2: Auswärtiges, Völkerrecht, wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, Verteidigung, Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe, Tel: (030) 227-32444 Wissenschaftliche Dienste Seite 2 Bundeswehr demand is met by supplying state-of-the-art technology and modern equipment at cost efficient conditions. Thus, some of the BAAINBw’s core tasks are the development, testing and procurement of defence material. The product range of defence material covers sophisticated weapon systems, tanks, aircraft and ships as well as soldiers' personal equipment. On the other hand, „Research and Technology Projects“ are processed and logistic support is provided for defence material during its in-service phase. These tasks are partly processed by awarding corresponding contracts to trade and industry and partly by the BAAINBw organization itself. As a central „purchasing agent“ for the Bundeswehr, the BAAINBw thus constitutes an important public customer. Depending on the type of project, contracts are concluded for research, development , procurement or maintenance activities. 4 In conclusion, both PlgABw and BAAINBw bear responsibilities for providing defence material to the Bundeswehr – PlgABw during the analysis phase and the BAAINBw during the realization and operational phase. As the BAAINBw is in charge during the operational phase, it is responsible for planning and organizing maintenance and upkeep of existing defence material. It is also responsible for the conduct of all maintenance actions above troop maintenance level, either by contracting or by own agencies as the Naval Arsenal. This task of above troop level maintenance includes both servicing malfunctioning products and the storage of defence material for high level maintenance. The BAAINBw is also in charge of purchasing all products needed for maintenance and upkeep of existing defence material with the exception of spare parts for offthe -shelf equipment which are procured in a decentralised manner. *** 4 Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (Ed.): The Tasks of the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw). Retrievable under http://www.baainbw.de/portal/a/baain/start/ueberun/aufgabe/!ut/p/z1/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMn Mz0vMAfIjo8zinSx8QnyMLI2MXAJcjQw8jT3CTIOc_A1MfEz1wwkpiAJKG-AAjgb6wal5-pFAM8xxmuFiohs H6UflZVYllihV5BfVJKTWqKXmAxyoX5kRmJeSk5qQH6yI0SgIDei3KDcUREArF8lYA!!/dz/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9n QSEh/#Z7_B8LTL2922DPE20I3HV5RBO04D4. Retrieved April 4, 2017.